I guess this is where it all began! I was probably about 11 or 12 in this picture. Please excuse the training bra, I had to beg my mom for that thing because all my other friends had a little more in that region than me (late bloomer) ;)
I've always had long and THICK hair my whole life. Over the years it just would not stop growing I was butt length and constantly in pig tails until about 8th or 9th grade. I got my first REAL perm in 9th grade, before that my mom would give me a little kiddie perms but they barely took. I mean look at ALL that hair ^^^^
After about 4 years of thinking I was the 'ish' with my straight long hair my hair became fed up and senior year I had to chop most of my VERY VERY dry ends off ..
Yes, Went from that hair up there to this ^. Okay let the shock subside, I've been trying to move on (tear) lol.
So I was about bra strap length senior year and still had my swanging (slang, I know I'm a dork) long pony tails so I was good to go, in my book at least.
Enter freshman year of college, parties, drunkenness, top bunk aka hell box, every other day straightening, experimenting with dyes, no relaxer touch ups, and anything else that you can think of that leads to bad hair care and that was what I did. Every time I came home for holidays my mom's side of the family, A family filled with LONG haired females, would ask me if I cut my hair, of course I did not see what they were talking about because yet again I thought I was the 'ish', go figure :). After that fateful year away at school I came home looking like this...
Yes, Yes I know where the heck did my hair go?! Welp I guess I left it back at school lol. So after a difficult summer home and me being mad at my hair I began my hair journey! (July 31, 2010). I decided after a bunch of research and LHCF lurking, to begin a transition to Natural. Well let me just tell you my mom did not lie when she said my natural hair gave her arthritis! Because this new growth I had was nothing like I expected. I seen all these beautiful ladies and their lovely curls and wash and gos I assumed it came with the natural territory. Boy, was I wrong and sadly let down!!! After about 11 months of transitioning I could not take it anymore and made a last minute decision at the hair salon to Relax. Gasp! I know I said the R word. And you should have seen my stylists face when I said it, she's natural and was in love with my thick, did I say THICK, natural hair. Anyway I went through with it and it was my first serious length check since starting my hair journey... And here is the big reveal!
Bam! Blurry but still APL.. I was so ecstatic I could not stop asking my BF to take pictures of me!
I was not only excited about my hair growth but with myself as I tend to be a very impulsive/fickle person and so the fact that I stuck with my hair journey, regardless of being natural or relaxed, and actually showed results I was pumped! My hair now is still pretty THICK. I told my stylist to not let the relaxer sit on my head so it was basically like a quick comb through with a relaxer but none the less I can better manage my tresses! And that was my main goal.
As of now I am maintaing APL because I have been slacking and reverted back to thinking I was the 'ish' and had to snap out of it. So currently I am following a no-low heat policy and will be posting my regimen shortly!

My current Braidout! I am in LOVE with these :)
Life is Beautiful,
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